Let's LEAD - May 2024

“What’s your angle?”

It’s a great, if pointed, question…one that cover all manner of topics.

More specifically, this question came from a colleague with whom I was sharing some plans to expand my writing beyond this monthly newsletter.

I love to write, and honestly, when I sit down to write my newsletters, it starts with a question:

What’s top of mind for me right now?

Click HERE to read the rest of this month's Let's LEAD newsletter!


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Do you know anyone who might benefit from working with me? I always appreciate referrals! This reference describes the services I offer, and includes an easy 'copy/paste' email template to initiate a quick introduction.

I also share great articles in LinkedIn from inspiring thought leaders on various leadership topics, especially on issues that are timely and relevant. Please connect with me!

Finally, if you're interested in scheduling a call to talk about how coaching can help you create the transformation you desire, click here...I'd love to support you!

I look forward to connecting!